Sunday, March 22, 2009

April Fools party sneack Peack!

WOOT! The April fools party is starting heres a quote from billybob:

Talk about an island packed with excitement! Not only are the Penguin Play Awards in full swing, but you might want to waddle around to check out the incredible art that penguins submitted and that snow artists have made into sculptures.

Even with all that's happening, I still wanted to give you a sneak peek of more fun that's coming to Club Penguin on April 1! Here's a first look at a very silly party that's coming up:

SWEET I cant wait!

Oh! and click HERE to see where the snow sculptures are!

~Me12101 lime cheats president

1 comment:

  1. Dear Limey,

    I notice you haven't been posting on Club Penguin Congress recently, is there a reason? Please post at least once a month.
    ~Ting - CPC Prez
    P.s. If you didn't already know, Alto gave CPC to me.


We are still upgrading, because we lost all our sidebar files!