Friday, July 10, 2009

Club Penguin Around the World And You Decide Winner!

Club Penguin has a new feature set up in their Community section! The feature is called "Penguins around the World". (Thanks Fondant213)

What Penguins around the World is, is a Photo Gallery, with pictures sent in by fans, of your little stuffed penguin toys in different places around the world! I think its a really cool idea.

I'm thinking of sending one in of my stuffed penguin sitting on a roof! ;-) I wonder if they would publish it...

My favorite one is a Gold Viking Penguin looking over a beach...really zoomed in so it looks almost life sized!

What's your favorite picture? Are you going to submit a picture?

In other news, we know you've been dying to know the you decide results and here they are.
The Moondrop...16%
The Tux-T...21%
The Splatter...64%

And the You Decide Winner is...THE SPLATTER!
~Me12101 Lime Cheats President
We are still upgrading, because we lost all our sidebar files!