Friday, November 21, 2008

Party reminder

Im turning 365 days old today!
The party Is Over, pix coming soon

Me12101 joined club penguin on November 22nd 2007 so we will be celebrating him being 1 year old this november 22nd:

If you cant read this it says...

Time - 12:00 pm PST
Day - November 22nd
Server - Fjord
Room - Lighthouse

And of you want to put a widget for the party on your site use this one:

Click HERE for the code!

Hope to see YOU there!

~Me12101 lime cheats president


  1. hey, isaw u post on watex's new site, but dont believe him! hes a fraud! this is the real watex website!
    check it out!
    plz believe me and chec it out! im trying to get jis supporters bac cuz theres SOOO many people impersonating him!

  2. I know is the real site im a BIG fan! ;-)


We are still upgrading, because we lost all our sidebar files!